Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Arina P

Arina P. 13G

Arina has been listed for a long time, without anyone inquiring about her.  She has a pretty good size fund now, but I think the awful picture puts people off.  I'm sure this is not how she really looks - I have some pretty awful pictures of my kids too, but mostly I get people telling me how cute they are.  It's hard when one's whole impression of a child comes down to one photo that someone took with their cellphone.

4ymr -13
Date of Birth: May 31, 2006
Gender: Female
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark
Nature: Calm
This beautiful Arina needs a mama to love her and help he ber all she can be. She has dark hair and dark eyes. She does not have a heart condition, but her medical records indicate she has some kind of bacterial *difference* in her kidneys. She is allergic to eggs, citrus fruit, and red vegetables. Her kidney dysfunction may be a reaction to eating these items. She will need to be seen by a specialist when she gets home. She is also farsighted and will need corrective glasses. But she is SO beautiful and so deserving of a family to call her own!

$7000.83 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Heath


Heath has been listed on Reece's Rainbow for years now.   He really needs a family!  Fortunately Leah  just held a big fundraiser for him, so now he has some money in his grant fund.  Total costs in his country (to the best of my knowledge) are around $25-$28,000, so the the $3500 he has is a good start. 

Boy, Born April 8, 2001
Heath is a sweet little boy who desperately needs a family.    
Heath is a ten year old boy with Down Syndrome. He is tiny in stature. His feet hardly reach the edge of his shared wheelchair. Because of his age, he has already been transferred from the stimulating environment of his baby house to a dull and underfunded mental institute for boys ages 6-18. He is no longer the youngest boy in his group, but he is certainly among the smallest.
Heath is not a recent transfer. He has lived in the stifling boredom of institution life for a long time. He has lost the vivacity of life at the baby houses. In his three years at the institute, he has been given nothing of his own. He has not seen a book or a toy. He has never been gathered into anyone's loving arms. He is a very lonely little fellow in desperate need of love and comfort.
We have few other details on Heath. He has been seen in a wheelchair, so he may not be able to walk. We don’t know if or how well he talks, or any other details on his medical condition. We do know that he is a cute, chubby-cheeked, dirty and neglected lonely little lost boy who needs a mother more than almost anyone else in the world.
If you would like to learn more about Heath from a family who met him at his present institute, please follow these links:
$3519.80 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Blog!

I'm starting a new blog here, as I don't want to keep mixing Orphan advocacy posts in with my personal posts.  Plus, LiveJournal is not compatible with some other blogs & I can't post comments.

I'm actually planning to give up the internet for Lent (because of the time I spend browsing when I should be doing other things, not because there is anything inherently wrong with the internet).  Of course, I cannot give it up completely - will still need to use the online bill payer, for example (I wish i could give up paying the bills for lent, but I don't think that would work out too well...).  So, I will be posting in advance all the Teamwork Tuesday kids, so there should be a new entry popping up every week, but other than that there not much else until early April.