Boy, Born February 27, 2010
Trey is a darling little boy in dire need of a family. He was his
mother's first child, delivered at 36 weeks. Cognitively he is
developing well, he is very attentive, smiley, and affectionate.
Medically, he is in urgent need of care.
Hope someone will consider him quickly! Full medical records available, single moms welcome!
From his medical records: The child had the
following conditions: bronchial pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis,
bronchiectasis, obstructive bronchitis. The boy is on constant base
therapy with Pulmicort and Fenoterol+Ipratropium bromide.
Present diagnoses: Down Syndrome, open oval window,
additional chord of the left ventricle of heart, hypostatura, perinatal
hypoxic-ishemic affection of central nervous system, both-sided
cryptorchism, congenital malformation of lungs (under question),
bronchiectasis (under question).
is available towards the cost of my adoption!