Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Langley

Langley 9HA

Birthdate: October 2007
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: light brown
Nature: Quiet
From one of our adoptive families who met him in December 2011: " I saw him today. After days of scanning faces, I walked into Bella's groupa and SAW HIM!! He is a doll. He is so cute! He looks healthy and is walking. I had a banana for Bella (which they wouldn't let me give it to her) and he took it. He bit right through the peeling. If they would have let me, I would have given it to him. Oh sweet boy...you need a mama!!!"
Friendly, emotional, affectionate boy.   Active, social, friendly.  Easy going.  Eats well independently.  Plays well with toys and likes to help others.
More photos available, single moms welcome.

$4006.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Trey

Trey 2H

Boy, Born February 27, 2010
Trey is a darling little boy in dire need of a family.  He was his mother's first child, delivered at 36 weeks.  Cognitively he is developing well, he is very attentive, smiley, and affectionate.  Medically, he is in urgent need of care.
Hope someone will consider him quickly!   Full medical records available, single moms welcome!
From his medical records:  The child had the following conditions:  bronchial pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis, obstructive bronchitis. The boy is on constant base therapy with Pulmicort and Fenoterol+Ipratropium bromide.
Present diagnoses: Down Syndrome, open oval window, additional chord of the left ventricle of heart,  hypostatura, perinatal hypoxic-ishemic  affection of central nervous system,  both-sided cryptorchism, congenital malformation of lungs (under question),  bronchiectasis (under question).

$4282.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Evie is on MFFM! Karina is back!

This news is actually a couple of weeks late, but I'm thrilled to say that Evie, who I have been a warrior for since January 2011, has a family!  She was meant to be the teamwork Tuesday child for tomorrow, but instead the Montgomery Family, who are also adopting Mirabel, will be bringing her home.

 And with amazing timing, at almost the same time as Evie found her family, Karina, who I am a prayer warrior for, has been re-listed (she was taken off Reece's;s Rainbow in June 2011) while her country made changes in their adoption laws.  But, she is back, and I'm really pleased also to see that she both  has a Guardian Angel and  is listed on the Ten for Orphans page for July.  The updated photo is about a year old already, so hopefully her health has stabilized & not continued to decline since then.


Girl, Born December 2009
Guardian Angel

Updated photo of Karina….her hydrocephaly is getting worse, she needs a family desperately.   PLEASE someone help her, she will die alone and waiting.
Karina needs a family fast!  From her medical records:  congenital anomaly of the skull, feet and  hands. Cleft hard palate, UPU, LLC, aortic defect.
$508.03 is available towards the cost of my adoption!