Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Angel Tree 2012 - Meet Francis

I really wasn't planning to be an Angel Tree warrior this year - I had so much fun "bumping" other kids up last year, and gave away some of the money that was meant to be for my child (although she still got to her $1000), that I planned to just spread all my money around this year.

But then, on the last night with just hours to go until the Angel Tree started, there were still a couple of kids who needed warriors, so I signed up for Francis.

Poor Francis - the picture they have of him on the Angel tree is pretty bad - the full body picture of him is better, but they want a close-up of the child's face for the ornaments.  It's not obvious from the photo, but he has just turned 8.

I'm going to paste in an excerpt from Laura Jeremy's blog - she adopted a little boy (now called Seth) from the same institution where Francis still is, and met Francis while she was there:

Meet another one of Seth's friends

See this little boy sitting next to Seth?  The little boy in the orange chair?


We have a chance to help him.  His name on Reeces Rainbow is "Francis".  Francis likely lived the first 6 years of his life at the baby house with Seth and Cohen (Josiah).  He was transferred at least a year before Seth was.  Francis is living at the institution where Seth was.  At the institution, they were in the same room and usually sat side by side.  Francis is a little boy who desperately needs a family.  He, like Seth, has cerebral palsy.  He gets food and he's clean, but he gets no mental stimulation, no therapy, no stretching, no schooling.  He sits in his orange chair day after day after day.  I can't imagine the despair and loneliness that must cause.  I can't imagine waking up every morning, knowing that all I'm going to do is sit in an orange chair until bedtime.  Francis is very sweet, but very delayed and very locked inside himself.  He has the most amazing blue eyes and of all the boys who worried me while I was there, he was the one who worried me the most.  Francis has significant needs.  And he needs a family to step forward to help him. 

We have a chance to help change Francis' life. Francis has been nominated to be on the Angel Tree this year.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Kurt


Guardian Angel
Boy, Born September 2007

Kurt is a handsome young man with brown hair and giant brown eyes.  He has very mild CP.  He is able to walk on his own and is a delightful boy.

More medical info coming soon.  Older parents and large families welcome, travel required.  Married couples only.

$61.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Owen 3G

Owen 3G

This is one of the kids whose profiles bother me the most - kids that in the US would have surgery shortly after birth, and then go on to live totally normal lives.  But in his country, he can't have that surgery - either because there is no money to pay for it, or because they have no doctors with the necessary skills.  I don't know which is the issues in Owens'  case,  but he needs surgery soon to prevent permanent damage.  Even more than many of the other kids on Reece's' Rainbow, he really needs a family that can get him the appropriate medical care.
nOwen (egxb-3)
Guardian Angel
Boy, Born December 2007
This darling little boy is waiting for his forever family, and we believe his condition to be one called Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome.
Also known as Acrocephalosyndyldactyly Type Chotzen or Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome. Chotzen Syndrome is a dominant genetic condition. They have a tower-shaped skull (acrocephaly), fused fingers and/or toes (syndactyly), asymmetric face, widely spaced eyes, droopy eyelid (ptosis), strabismus (crossed or “wall-eyes”), beak-like nose, small upper jaw, and jutting out lower jaw (prognathism).   Some plates in their skull close early.   This is called craniosynostosis.   Often people with Chotzen Syndrome are mildly hard of hearing. Sometimes they’re unusually short.   Occasionally the closing of the plates in their skull can compress their brain and slow their development.   Sometimes boys with Chotzen Syndrome have undescended testicles.

$3061.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - The other Angelina

Ooops!  We were meant to be posting about Angelina "3g".  So, here is another little girl by the same name, also in need of a family. 

Angelina 3G

fcj4, 3G
Girl, Born March 2008
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
This beautiful muffin, look how she has grown!   She does have a heart condition  and will need to seek a cardiologist and surgery once home.    She needs a family ASAP!
Additional photos available!  SINGLE MOMS and larger families welcome!
$4790.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Teamwork Tuesday - Angelina


This little beauty just turned five!

Girl, Born May 2007  
Miss Angelina also has spina bifida.  She has blonde hair and giant blue eyes! 
From her medical records:  Congenital dysfunction, myelocele of lumbosacral part of spinal cord (had surgery); internal hydrocephalus, flail legs with dysfunction of pelvis/hips, delay of psychological development.
More photos available

$1474.80 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Heather


Heather has been waiting for a family for such a long time - as little as she is, this girl is already eleven!  (She's been listed on Reece's Rainbow for over a year, which is why it says she is ten in her write-up). I know her family must be out there somewhere!

Girl, born September 2001
Diagnosis: Down syndrome

This tiny girl is ten years old!  So petite!

Heather doesn’t have any other health complications listed at all.

$173.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - R.J.

R.J. 15H

Another sweet munchkin that does not have a donate button yet - that means that Reece's rainbow has not yet received enough information about himto start a grant for him.. However, the information can be obtained by the agency if an interested family asks.

Boy was born in December 2008
Diagnosis: Down syndrome
Look how handsome R.J. is!   Already 3 and facing transfer this year :(    Single moms welcome!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Brent


This little boy (he just turned 7) has been listed on Reece's Rainbow for a long time now, and had little or no money for much of it, but due to some caring people fundraising and advocating for him in the last few months,  he has a very substantial grant now!

Boy, Born June 21, 2005
PRAISE GOD for a new photo of Brent, SMILING, even though he has been sent to the institution.   Look how darling this little one is!   Brent is an orphanage favorite, and is blessed to be part of an orphan care program that provides him with a nanny and one-on-one stimulation.   He is considered lower functioning, but will truly blossom like a flower in a loving family environment.

From his medical records:   Severe mental retardation. Down syndrome. Displastic cardiopathy (О.О.О.) Converging strabismus. Post-tuberculosis neuro-sclerosis.          
 Please give Brent a chance!  We have worked so hard to raise grant funds for him, we can’t leave him behind!
$10209.35 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My other Angel Child - Janie

Since Karina, who I am a prayer warrior for, is no longer available for international adoption, I thought it would be a good time to introduce the other child that I am a guardian angel for (I continue to pray for Karina, of course, and hope you will too, even if we can't advocate or fundraise for her).
 I first noticed Janie just over a year ago, in June 2011, at which time she had $0 in her fund. I was moved to send her a donation, and evidently other people were as well, because by the end of July her fund had grown to $1500!  In the past year, it has grown by another $1000 - but still no family.  I wish I had more information to relay - her picture is over a year old, and I have not heard of any other kids being adopted from the same orphanage as she is in, or for anyone for any other reason seeing her in person.  I'm not sure what she is sitting in - maybe a swing?  She is so cute with her big blue eyes and blonde hair.

Janie (26)

Janie  (26)
Girl, Born March 8, 2006
So glad to have an updated picture of Janie!  She is blessed to still be at the baby house, but she will remain bedridden for the rest of her life is she is transferred.
Janie is a beautiful little girl who struggles with the effects of FAS.    She also has CP and some effects of hydrocephaly.   She is not able to walk on her own, and will need the loving and patient care of a family to help her achieve her potential.
If you are unfamiliar with FAS, please spend some time researching this condition.  Just as with Down syndrome, FAS and FAE have a wide variation of effects on each child, both medically, physically, and cognitively.   This is typically dependent on how long during the pregnancy the mother consumed alcohol, and of course, how much.   There is no way to know this ahead of time.

$2564.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Millie

Millie #57-2

DOB: June 2004
Diagnosis: Down syndrome, strabismus, excema-primarily around the nose

Millie can walk and run. She is not yet talking. She enjoys listening to music and playing with toys that make sound. She enjoys going outside.

$113.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption! 
The picture on the left was taken this year (2012).

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sad news for Karina

Well,  my last post was good news - a matching grant for Karina.  Unfortunately, this one is bad news.  Reece's Rainbow has received an update on Karina. She has survived several surgeries -- but she does not currently qualify for adoption under the new special needs codes :( So as of now, she will not be available for adoption until age 5, in late 2014.  So, she is now "on hold," pending either her fifth birthday, or changes in the laws of her country.

Thank you to those you donated - she did receive about $60 in the few days that the matching grant was up, and that money (and the match for it) will be held for until she is available for adoption again.  In the meantime, all we can do is pray for Karina & her health, and for the special needs list in her country to be expanded so that she does not have to wait two and a half years for family.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wow! $1500 Matching Grant for Karina!

Karina,  the little girl with Crouzon's syndrome that I posted about recently, has a $1500 matching grant!   

 Reposting here from No More Leftovers:  (and enjoying the Canadian "OU" where we  just have "O" in the US)


It is with extreme excitement that I can share with you that due to donors who wish to remain anonymous I can announce that there is now a $1500 matching grant available for my princess Karina.

Karina is a 2.5 year old little girl. She has Crouzon syndrome, skeletal abnormalities, a heart condition, cleft hard palate and other medical conditions ( I will update you with more about her medical status if and when it becomes available).
She needs our help. Her health is fragile. She desperately needs a family. If we can meet this matching grant she will have enough money in her fund to move to the "Sizable Grants" page on Reece's Rainbow.

Here is how this will work. If you want to help go to this link and click donate. The payment will be processed through paypal but you don't need an account to give.


Or you can write a cheque with "Karina December 2009" on the memo line to:
Reece's Rainbow
PO Box 4024
Gaithersburg, MD 20885

When you write a cheque Reece's Rainbow doesn't have to pay the pay pal fees so more money goes to Karina!

All donations are tax deductible for Canadians and Americans. 

As of today her grant has $537.03. If her grant climbs $1500 by Labour Day (September 3) she will receive an additional $1500 from generous donors!   

So the magic number is $2037.03

If we can hit this by Labour Day  $1500 more will be added to her grant and she will have $3537.03 !! 

I KNOW if we all work together we can make this happen. God is moving for Karina! Please pray for donors to come forward. Share on facebook. Donate. Do a garage or bake sale or just sell something on Craigslist. 

Do you see the words on her pajama? "My Daddy Rocks".  Can we please act quickly to hit this magic number of $2037.03 so that we can get her a that much closer to finding a Daddy (and a Mommy too!)?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Alexander 13G

Alexander G. 13G


Guardian Angel

№ zot3-13G
Boy, born April 2002
Eyes: Brown
Hair: blond
Character: active, sociable

UPDATE FEB 2012:  Alexander’s brain tumor has caused vision damage now, and he is due to be treated again soon.  The doctors there do not expect him to survive  :(    Only God knows the plan for Alexander, but my goodness, the medical opportunity he has for survival here in the US is so much higher.  Hope someone will give him the chance to know that he mattered, even if only for a little while.
From a missionary who visited with him:  “I would say his personality seemed happy, cheerful and sociable from the little contact I had with him.  I did send an email to my friends that worked with his group to get their opinion since they spent several hours with him for a week.  I know he has a brain tumor that is supposedly treatable in the U.S., but the treatment is expected to be lengthy.  He has been treated some in Russia and was in the hospital in the spring for more treatment.   He’s a very lovable kid and very smart.  He remembers people and things that they say and he is very in tune with how sick he is.  He understands and comprehends a lot for his age.  He loves to dance and get one on one attention (what kid doesn’t?)  He’s sensitive and his feelings get hurt easily.    Sasha is concerned about others.  He always asks how you or someone in the group is doing.  He is very outgoing, not shy at all.  He loves to sing songs and recite poems for you, and he knows so many!   Sasha loves individual attention.  You are special to him and he wants to feel that he is special to you also.   Simply put, he is a loving little boy who is such a pleasure to spend time with.   One more thing:  I have lots of pictures of Sasha and some videos of him singing and reciting poems. It would be SO WONDERFUL if he could get adopted and get proper treatment in the USA.

$100.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Dmitry

Dmitry H. 25C

Such a handsome boy!

Boy, born November 2004
Eyes: Gray
Hair: blond
Character: quiet, affectionate boy, easily comes into contact with adults and children. Interested in classes, complete instructions after the joint action.  Considered higher functioning and doing well!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012



It is high time that I write again about my prayer warrior child, Karina.  I was going to do a big write-up in July, when she was to be the sponsored child on Ten for Orphans, but they have decided  to focus on fundraising for families that are adopting, rather than for children that do not yet have a family, so that opportunity has gone away.  I'm rather disappointed, I must confess, as the kids so far on Ten for Orphans have all accrued around $1500 or more, so she would have been close to getting the moving mountains page by the end of July. She only has a little over $500 now.  But that's OK -I'm betting we can still get her there, even if it takes a bit longer.  I'm giving some thought to fund raising -  more about that when & if I figure anything out.

I don't know exactly how long Karina has been listed on Reece's Rainbow - she was there in early 2011, then was de-listed in June of that year due to changes in the adoption laws in her country, and was re-listed again this past March.  This newer photo of her (the lower one) is from before she was unlisted, so it is about a year old.  She would be about 18 months old in that picture, and is 2-1/2 now (born Dec 2009).  I do find it interesting that she is in the same chair in both pictures - evidently it is "her" chair.  It makes it obvious how much she has grown from one picture to the next.

Karina has Crouzon syndrome, a cranio-facial disorder somewhat similar to Apert syndrome (there are several children on Reece's Rainbow with Apert syndrome). This accounts for the unusual shape of her head, eyes and hands.  One of the chief problems with Crouzon syndrome is that the joints in the skull fuse prematurely.  If this is surgically corrected early in life, people with Crouzon syndrome are cognitively normal and should have a normal  lifespan.   If not corrected, of course, it can result in brain damage and premature death.  The medical info on her Reece's Rainbow page also indicates that she has hydrocephalus, but that was shown there before the updated diagnosis of Crouzon's was added, so I'm not sure if she actually does have hydrocephalus, or if that is outdated info.  The "UPU, LLC" as far as I know has to do with her cleft palate - I think it is one of those cases where the medical info does not translate well.   And some type of heart defect as well.  KARINA REALLY NEEDS A FAMILY!  The medical info is pretty scary, so it will take a really special family to commit to her.  I know they are out there though!

 I wish I was one of those eloquent people that can really speak to their readers and and make them head straight for the donate and share buttons, but unfortunately I am not.  So please let her face speak to you instead, even if it is not beautiful in a conventional sense, and help get the word out that this precious soul is waiting to be found.

Teamwork Tuesday - Brett

Brett #19-1

Another one of the older boys...

Boy, Born August 23, 2001
Diagnosis: Down Syndrome, Severe lagging behind in his development, Alopetio areata.  The photo was takenon May 2009.   This child had a rough start in his life.   Immediately after giving birth to him in the open country she abandoned him on the field.  He was found and taken to the hospital.   His condition was poor but the doctors saved his life.

$102.70 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Reposting - Racing for Orphans video

I'm reposting this - please share the video & vote for it - a great opportunity for publicity for Reece's Rainbow.

 Racing for Orphans with Down Syndrome

My family and I have loved being able to work on behalf of the children on Reece's Rainbow since finding this great organization.  It's for this reason that I had a hard time sleeping because of the excitement after hearing about this announcement!

Two months ago, Ironman announced a contest called Kona Inspired.  How it works is they have given the general public an opportunity to submit a 90 second video based around the theme, "Anything is Possible".  Winners receive a spot to race in the Ironman World Championship in October, but most importantly, they will race as a media athlete and have the opportunity to share their story on NBC's nationally televised broadcast of the championship this year!  THIS COULD BE OUR OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE THESE PRECIOUS CHILDREN'S STORY WITH THE WORLD!!!

After reading Ironman's press release we immediately went to work.  This is an opportunity to help these children in a way that I never imagined possible!  The video came together with the help of many wonderful people and we submitted it.  105 videos were submitted.  After over a month long preliminary public voting, we just received word that we are one of the top 15 videos and will compete in the final round of voting June 4 - June 18!!!

Please take a moment to WATCH, VOTE, and SHARE our video as much as possible throughout the day from your home computer, work computer, laptop, phone, etc!  We need to be in the top 2 videos at the end of the day on June 18. 


Thank you for your time and willingness to make the dream of these orphans of finding their forever family a reality!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Benji


Boy, Born September 2005
ABITaiPan–Premature, Speech Delay

Health Condition: Benji was born prematurely at 30 weeks gestation. His birth mother is an AIDS carrier and a drug abuser. Tests have shown that Benji  does not have HIV/AIDS, even though his birth mother does. He suffered from Staphylococcus aureus infection and Retinal Detachment. He received laser treatment and a follow-up examination showed normal results. Benji  was diagnosed with speech developmental delay when he moved to the third foster family.   As of August 2007, he began receiving speech therapy and cognitive therapy weekly. After two years, his developmental assessment revealed that he could attend kindergarten and did not need extra training since.

Benji needs a permanent family, so he can begin to trust and love.
  • Full medical and social info available
  • EASY travel (both parents for 4-7 days)
  • Relatively low cost
  • No more than 5 children at home
  • Married couples only, must be married 5 years
  • Parents should be 30-50 years of age and in good health
$27.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Shout out for Sabin

 Jenny over at Zeroes the zeroes has issued a challenge for folks to find a child on Reece's Rainbow that they have never noticed before, and shout for them.  That is kind of a coincidence, because I just noticed this boy last night, and was wondering about him - I do not not recognize his name or the photo, he has no money in his grant, but he is not under "newly listed" either.  Perhaps he was one of the "additional children" that has now has his own donate button?

I first thought he was quite a bit older than he was, because he looks sort of thin & serious (even though he is smiling), but he is only 7 - a month younger than my first grader. 


Boy, born October 2004
HIV-infection, IV clinical stage, no signs of AIDS, biochemistry test is good; congenital hydrocephaly (shunting); myatonia disorders; disco-visual nerve subatrophy; myelinic cone fibers; hypertrophy of palatine tonsils; two anomalous chords of ventricle; biliary dyskinesia; slight mental delay with minimal behavioral disorders, night enuresis, organic emotional instable disorders. Probable FAS.
He is said to be very careful and orderly, so he is probably a kid who does very well with routines and structure.  He is also described as very helpful.

$0.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Donations are tax deductible.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Priscilla


Guardian Angel
Girl, Born February 2010
Pretty Priscilla!  More photos available.   Priscilla has many facial features of FAS.  She is also struggling with "pre-leukemia", also known as congenital Myelodysplastic syndrome.    She really needs to get home!!
From her caregivers:  communicative; adequate reactions.  Character: cheerful, active, friendly, communicative, likes to play with different toys.
More photos available.

$105.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Darryl

Darryl 15H

Update 5/25:  Darryl has a donate button now!  It is still sitting at $0 though, as it's only been there for a couple of days. 

  Darryl is one of my favorites - the lightning McQueen shirt reminds me of my son who is totally into Cars. Sadly, he has no donate button.

Date of Birth: June 2007
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: brown
 What a sweet, sunny little boy!   Darryl is going on 5.  He has brown hair and brown eyes.  Darryl is growing well, physically active, friendly and sociable.   More medical info available from the agency!
Single moms welcome!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Kyle

Kyle 2H

Boy, born November 2006
Eyes: Blue
Hair: brown

Kyle is facing the institution.   He has striking blue eyes and bright blonde hair!  Kyle is medically healthy outside of his flat feet and strabismus.   Please give Kyle a chance to grow up in a loving family of his own!

$3903.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Quinten

Quinten 2H

Date of Birth: August 2009
Gender: Male
Eyes: Gray
Hair: red
Character: noisy, active
Down syndrome

Diagnosis: DS, delayed development, protein-calorie deficiency, non-malignant growth

$1304.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Andrey 1G

Andrey 1G

Boy was born in May 2007
Personable, active, friendly!   And being saved from the same place as Kirill.

Not much info about this little boy, and no donate button yet - sometimes the orphanages don't provide medical info & such until after someone has inquired.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Langley

Langley 9HA

Birthdate: October 2007
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: light brown
Nature: Quiet
From one of our adoptive families who met him in December 2011: " I saw him today. After days of scanning faces, I walked into Bella's groupa and SAW HIM!! He is a doll. He is so cute! He looks healthy and is walking. I had a banana for Bella (which they wouldn't let me give it to her) and he took it. He bit right through the peeling. If they would have let me, I would have given it to him. Oh sweet boy...you need a mama!!!"
Friendly, emotional, affectionate boy.   Active, social, friendly.  Easy going.  Eats well independently.  Plays well with toys and likes to help others.
More photos available, single moms welcome.

$4006.50 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday - Trey

Trey 2H

Boy, Born February 27, 2010
Trey is a darling little boy in dire need of a family.  He was his mother's first child, delivered at 36 weeks.  Cognitively he is developing well, he is very attentive, smiley, and affectionate.  Medically, he is in urgent need of care.
Hope someone will consider him quickly!   Full medical records available, single moms welcome!
From his medical records:  The child had the following conditions:  bronchial pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis, obstructive bronchitis. The boy is on constant base therapy with Pulmicort and Fenoterol+Ipratropium bromide.
Present diagnoses: Down Syndrome, open oval window, additional chord of the left ventricle of heart,  hypostatura, perinatal hypoxic-ishemic  affection of central nervous system,  both-sided cryptorchism, congenital malformation of lungs (under question),  bronchiectasis (under question).

$4282.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Evie is on MFFM! Karina is back!

This news is actually a couple of weeks late, but I'm thrilled to say that Evie, who I have been a warrior for since January 2011, has a family!  She was meant to be the teamwork Tuesday child for tomorrow, but instead the Montgomery Family, who are also adopting Mirabel, will be bringing her home.

 And with amazing timing, at almost the same time as Evie found her family, Karina, who I am a prayer warrior for, has been re-listed (she was taken off Reece's;s Rainbow in June 2011) while her country made changes in their adoption laws.  But, she is back, and I'm really pleased also to see that she both  has a Guardian Angel and  is listed on the Ten for Orphans page for July.  The updated photo is about a year old already, so hopefully her health has stabilized & not continued to decline since then.


Girl, Born December 2009
Guardian Angel

Updated photo of Karina….her hydrocephaly is getting worse, she needs a family desperately.   PLEASE someone help her, she will die alone and waiting.
Karina needs a family fast!  From her medical records:  congenital anomaly of the skull, feet and  hands. Cleft hard palate, UPU, LLC, aortic defect.
$508.03 is available towards the cost of my adoption!